Sorted list of exam questions (triplets)
1. Fundamental laws of genetics
Mutagens and mutagenesis, mutagenicity testing
Genetic aspects of immune system function related to cancer
2. Dihybridism
Methods of nucleic acid analysis
Genetic mechanisms of evolution
3. Additive model of polygenic inheritance
Polymorphisms of nucleic acids
Mutator genes, genome stability
4. Interaction of non-allelic genes
Autosomal aneuploidy syndromes in man
Apoptosis, clinical outcomes of its dysregulation
5. Genetic linkage
Gonosomal aneuploidy syndromes in man
Teratogenesis, teratogens
6. Genotype variation, mutations and recombination
Methods of chromosomal examination
Hereditary cancer, cancer in families
7. Gene-environment interactions
Crossing-over, its mechanism and importance
Indications for chromosome analysis in clinical genetics
8. Inheritance of multifactorial traits and diseases in man
Recombinant DNA and genetic engineering
9. Heritability, methods and importance of its assessment in medicine
Molecular cytogenetics
Conjugation, transformation, transduction
10. Multifactorial diseases, disorders, and traits in man
Etiology of chromosomal aberrations
Hereditary immunodeficiencies
11. Genealogical method
Transcription, post-transcriptional processing of RNA in eukaryotes
Chromosomal aberrations in cancer cells
12. Autosomal dominant inheritance in pedigree and experiment, examples of traits in man
Translation, post-translational processing of proteins in eukaryotes
Physical mapping of DNA
13. Autosomal recessive inheritance in pedigree and experiment, examples of traits in man
Regulation of transcription in eukaryotes
Species and speciation
14. Gonosomal inheritance in pedigree and experiment, examples of traits in man
Translation of membrane and secretory proteins (protein sorting, targeting)
Causes of tumors, carcinogenesis, carcinogens
15. Twins and twin studies in genetics
Chromosomal determination of sex
Evolution of genes and genomes
16. Genetic methods of linkage analysis
Genetics of human hemoglobins
Pharmacogenetics, nutrigenetics
17. Genetic methods of association analysis
Migration, gene flow
Origin and evolution of species
18. Genetic analysis methods in experimental and human genetics
Inborn errors of metabolism
Evolution of Homo sapiens
19. The cell cycle, its regulation and disturbances
Mutations in population genetics, frequency of mutations
Genetic mapping in man
20. Mitosis, its regulation and disturbances
Reparation mechanisms of the cell and their genetic control
Genetic maps and their importance
21. Meiosis, its regulation and disturbances
Genetic control of immune response
Gene therapy of cancer
22. Structure and types of the eukaryotic chromosomes
The cells of immune system, immunophenotyping
Map of human genome, Human Genome Project, results and significance
23. Human karyotype, methods of its examination
Genetic control of antibody production
Epigenetics, genetic imprinting
24. Abnormalities in chromosome number, their causes and clinical presentation in man
Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes
Indirect diagnostics of hereditary diseases by nucleic acid analysis
25. Abnormalities in chromosome structure, their causes and clinical presentation in man
Transcription and translation in prokaryotes
Ecology, ecogenetics
26. DNA – structure and function
Selection, its types
Aims of medical genetics
27. RNA – types, structure and function
Germ cell and somatic cell chromosome mutations
Apoptosis, genetic control and importance in ontogenesis
28. DNA replication
Ontogenesis and its genetic control
Gene therapy – principles, current possibilities, perspectives
29. The genetic code
Immune response (antigen recognition, cell cooperation)
Inborn errors of development in human, examples, classification
30. Structure and function of a gene
Ontogenesis of sex in mammals and its disturbances
Ethical and legal aspects of medical genetics
31. Protein coding and non-coding sequences of DNA
Genetic determination of body plan in embryogenesis
Genetic consultation and its importance
32. Gene mutations, types and manifestation
Inbreeding, consanguineous marriages and their risks
Postnatal screening of heritable diseases
33. Molecular basis of genetic diseases
Characteristics of cancer cells
Prenatal screening of inborn errors of development
34. Genetics and clinical importance of blood group systems
Characteristics of tumor growth
Pre-conception prevention of heritable and inborn diseases
35. Genetics and clinical importance of Rh system
Structure and function of eukaryotic cell
Proteins and their function, genetic polymorphism of proteins
36. Genetic linkage
Genetics of transplantations, transplantation rules, histocompatibility systems
Cell signaling
37. Major histocompatibility complex of man
Regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes
Genetics in presymptomatic diagnostics and prevention of cancer
38. Structure and function of the prokaryotic cell
Population polymorphisms and their causes
Reparation mechanisms of the nucleic acids
39. Importance and structure of prokaryotic chromosomes
Genetic aspects of aging and death
40. Biology and genetics of bacteria, importance in medicine
Genetics of immunoglobulins, B-cell and T-cell receptors
Environmental mutagens and teratogens
41. Biology and genetics of viruses, importance in medicine
Direct diagnostics of hereditary diseases by nucleic acid analysis
Prenatal diagnostics of inborn errors of development, possibilities of prevention
42. Genetic aspects of populations, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
Genetic information of mitochondria, mitochondrial diseases
Prenatal diagnostics of heritable diseases, possibilities of prevention
43. Structure of populations, genetic drift, importance for evolution
Immunotolerance and possibilities of its induction
Postnatal prevention and therapy of heritable and inborn diseases
44. Proto-oncogenes, oncogenes
Extranuclear inheritance
Principles of therapy of heritable diseases
45. Tumor suppressor genes
Non-Mendelian inheritance
Prenatal diagnostics of chromosomal aberrations, possibilities of prevention